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In Włodzimierz Borodziej, the renowned Polish historian and professor at the Institute of History at the University of Warsaw, we have lost not only one of the greatest advocates of German-Polish reconciliation and cooperation, but also a personality who significantly shaped European historiography and opened up new perspectives.
He was closely associated with our source edition „Fighting Hunger, Dealing with Shortage. Everyday Life under Occupation in World War II Europe.“ from the very beginning of the project. He contributed his extensive editorial expertise from the initial planning phase onwards, later served on the editorial board and was a valuable support to us in every respect. We are saddened that he will not live to see the publication of the edition.
His death is a great academic and human loss and leaves a large, lasting gap. We will always honour his memory and express our sincere condolences and sympathy to his relatives.
Peter Haslinger/Marburg and Gießen Tatjana Tönsmeyer/Wuppertal